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Be a Magnet for Everything You Want - Yes it IS The Law of Attraction

Updated on November 18, 2012

Have everything you want and more

Like you I have seen The Secret and like you I have said I can do that but promptly continued to run my life the exact same way as I always have. Thus attracting exactly what I am thinking and saying.

This document provides you with the steps to actively create what you want without stress and hours of study and learning. What I provide you with is an easy to follow guide on what you should do to get your life on track.

The Law of Attraction - What are you thinking?

Consider your life right now. Are you getting what you are thinking and feeling?

Stop and really consider this. Good or bad, happy or sad you will be getting all that you ask for.

To start your journey of change you should consider purchasing the Law of Attraction book by Jerry and Esther Hicks.

I resisted going down this track for a long time. It was only one day I asked "What do I need to do to change my life and my current situation?"

The answer came immediately. I looked up the authors of the Law of Attraction on my local library database. Found the book and reserved it. I was about 10th on the queue. I promptly forgot about it.

Then about 3 weeks later I was having a real downer and checked where I was on the queue to receive this book - the book was there at the library waiting for me to pick up.

From the moment I opened the pages I could not stop reading. I read the book twice in a week.

I decided I needed to purchase this book and have since done so and read it once more and referenced it countless times.

All I can say if you want change in your life this is a brilliant place to start.

The Law of Attraction - A must have start

To get started and to begin changing your thought pattern this book is a must purchase.

You will learn and understand immediately the basics of your thought patterns and how they are bringing you what you are thinking.

You will learn how to change your thought patterns to start the process of attracting what you want in your life.

Putting Thoughts into Action

It may seem strange but you have to put your thought into action. What I mean is you have to have thoughts that are meaningful and exactly what you are wanting.

The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent is the next book you should consider reading. This helps you put it all together in your head and allowing what you want to become a reality.

I realize this sounds extremely complicated but it isn't. You will find as you read you will understand that once you lived your life like this. At some point the world changed and you lost touch with what you were thinking thus manifesting what you really did not want.

I know that is the case for me. Unbeknown to me that is what I was doing over 20 years ago - manifesting everything in my life, much of it good.

The Power of Deliberate Intent - Making your thoughts active

It is one thing to thing positive and about what you want but you should understand that if you don't put that into action your thoughts will remain wishful thinking.

It is not hard to make a thought an action. This book shows you how by using real life examples from all areas of life so you can make sure your intent is deliberate. It takes only a little practice and before you know it it is second nature.

Understand what your emotions are telling you

Your emotions are very very important in any form of attracting or manifesting. You need to monitor your emotions to understand what you are doing to get what you are asking for.

Essentially this is a simple process but depending on where you are in your life journey can be a little hard to master.

Your emotions will most definately tie in with what you are getting in your life. For example if you are feeling jubilant and excited you will probably attract those people and events into your life.

If you are feeling sad or afraid you will attract similar people or situations into your life.

You must understand that they both work together otherwise your thoughts are just words in your head.

Now don't expect this aspect to work immediately. In fact I have found this a tad hard to master. I have found the following 3 books have been my lifeline to major change.

Putting it all into action

Tying your emotions to your thoughts is made easier with this reference book. Using this book is easy because it is full of references and examples that pertain to different areas of life. You can open it and use it immediately to change your emotions and thoughts to compliment. I have had much success from this book and use it over and over again.

Ask and It Is Given

Just Manifest

Ultimately as physical beings we should know and understand that what we want we get. Absolutely everything we think will come to us.

So if you keep thinking you are going to go on a holiday to the sea then at some point that will happen. It cannot happen.

Yet if you are fearful of being burgled and you think and worry about your security all of the time that is exactly what you will get.

The thing is it all sounds so simple. That is why the previous books are quite important individually in your journey of re-learning the skills of ensuring you get what you want.

I say re-learning because we were all born to ask and be given but, we are programmed by life to do otherwise and in turn we don't know or understand any better.

Get it now - manifest it now

Ask and It Is Given. Is a powerful book that covers 22 different life scenarios so you can immediately change your current situation and get what you need and want. I recommend you seriously consider purchasing this book - it will be a constant companion.

Be Blown Away

Now you have made it this far

Okay so you have the books, read the information and made it this far.

Maybe though you have not got the books but curiosity has brought you this far.

Whatever the case where-ever you are I have to share with you that I am totally unequivically blown away but the book I have listed below.

You know I have learnt heaps from what I have read and re-read in the past 3 weeks. I have made significant changes to my life. But, I am incredibly impatient and I have found things are not happening as fast as I wanted.

My mind still wandered and followed a good day/bad day pattern of positive and negative. Always getting what I thought and felt.

I have found it incredibly frustrating and tiresome on those negative days. The following book has pulled all my learnings together and within 3 days of reading only 1/4 of it my life has changed more than I could ever believe.

I have started a blog on the law of attraction so you can read some of it there.

In the meantime have a look at my next book recommendation.

One Book WILL Change Your Life Forever

This is the most amazing book on the planet. If you get any book it MUST be this one. Easy to read and easy to understand and implement your thoughts.

Within 3 days of reading only a 1/4 of the book I had the most amazing experiences....

Day 1: Peace on my day off after spending my one day off resenting the fact I had only 1 day off. Instead I enjoyed my 1 day off and found pleasure in going back to work.

Day 2: Manifested more sales in my business on a Monday than what I have ever done before. Manifested the funds to cover cheques where funds had not been available for over 3 weeks and I had been carrying the cheques around in my bag.

Day 3: Obtaining sales exactly from the areas of my business I asked. Manifesting contact from the potential buyer of my business after a disconcerting period of silence from them.

My whole attitude has done a 360 turn and I am in control of my life for the 1st time in many many year. I am taking this book with me wherever I go.

Want to know about me? - I love to help people

Just in case you are wondering who I am and stuff have a look at my business website. I have such a passion for helping people that my husband and I have now branched out into lending.

The 2 businesses are The Business Promoter and Mortgages In Focus - both a passion.

Check out Ebay for more stuff on The Law of Attraction

You never know if put it out there you may just get the resources you want on ebay!


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